August 4, 2022
Bible Stories with Pastor Brian Session 5
God Keeps His Promises
Genesis 15: 1-6
July 27, 2022
Bible Stories with Pastor Brian Video 4: God is With Us When We Are Sad
Job Chapter 1
July 20, 2022
Bible Stories with Pastor Brian Video 3: Noah's Ark, Genesis Chapter 6
July 13, 2022
Bible Stories with Pastor Brian
Video 2: Sin Destroys the Good Things That God Makes, Genesis Chapter 2 Verses 8-9
July 6, 2022
Bible Stories with Pastor Brian Video 1: God Made All Things
Genesis Chapter 1 Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1- “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
September 2, 2020: Today's Children's Message from Genesis 39-46.
Truths for discussion:
1. God sees and knows everything that happens to us.
2. Even when things seem bad, God will make them work out for good.
3. God wants us to forgive others.
Children’s Message August 25, 2020
The Story of Joseph and his brothers part 1 - Genesis 37. Discussion points to keep in mind are:
1. God wants us to learn to be thankful in all circumstances.
2. When we are thankful we will not be jealous.
3. When we are thankful we are not afraid because we know God will take care of us.
Adult Bible Study August 20, 2020
Spiritual Gifts Series Continued
Youth Bible Study Questions: August 20, 2020 - James 1:1-4
How do unbelievers you know attempt to make it through painful circumstances?
How do you, as a Christian, make it through painful circumstances?
How do trials test the genuineness of your faith?
How are you growing in Christlikeness?
Youth Bible Study July 29, 2020 There is a new video series beginning for the Youth group. Pastor Brian prepared a study from the book of James.
Children's Video July 28, 2020 Questions for discussion 1. Genesis 6:9 says that Noah was righteous, blameless and that he "walked with God" indicating that he was faithful in his relationship with God. What does it look like when you "walk with God?" 2. Do you sometimes let your sin get out of hand? When that does happen, what should you do to get back in control? 3. God told Noah that the rainbow would be a sign of God's faithfulness. When you see a rainbow, it is still a sign of God's faithfulness. What does God's faithfulness look like?
Adult Bible Study July 21, 2020 Spiritual Gifts Series: I Corinthians Chapter 12. Also read Romans Chapter 12, Ephesians Chapter 4, and I Peter Chapter 4 for gift lists. Write down the gifts that you see in these 4 chapters. Think about which gifts sounds more like you.
Children and Youth Video July 21, 2020. Pastor Brian prepared a video for the children and youth from Genesis: the Fall of Mankind.
New bible study series: Spiritual Gifts July 15, 2020 ( Video Below)
Join us as we begin a new study on spiritual gifts. We will look at what spiritual gifts are and why spiritual gifts exist. I Corinthians 12: 1 Homework: Read each of the following passages for a picture of spiritual gifts. (read at least 5 times) Romans Chapter 12, I Corinthians Chapter 12, Ephesians Chapter 4, I Peter Chapter 4
Bible Study July 8, 2020 Philippians Chapter 4 (Video Below)
Six Words on Giving and Receiving
1. Gratitude - Thank God for the generosity of other believers (4:10).
2. Contentment - Pursue this rare jewel (4:1-13). a. Contentment is not connected to circumstances (4: 11-12). b. Contentment is learned (4:11-12). c. Contentment flows from union with and reliance on Christ (4:13).
3. Partnership - See the inseparable relationship between financial support and gospel partnership (4:14-16).
4. Fruitfulness - Understand the spiritual and eternal importance of giving (4:17).
5. Worship - Bring pleasure to God through sacrificial giving (4:18).
6. Faith - Trust in God's provision (4:21-23). (Merida and Chan. Christ-Centered Exposition. 184.)
Bible Study July 1, 2020 Philippians 4: 1-9
Here are the questions and video for the adult study.
1. Why is division in the church so dangerous?
2. How might you encourage unity rather than division?
3. What would it look like if we lived lives of constant and consistent rejoicing?
4. According to this passage, how should we deal with anxiety?
5. How are you doing in the discipline of spending unhurried, unhindered time with God? Do you know the peace that comes from being in God's presence?
Bible Study June 24, 2020 (Video Below)
Five Challenges for Growing in Christ (Philippians 3:12-21)
1. Humbly acknowledge that you haven't arrived.
2. Passionately pursue a greater knowledge of Christ.
3. Never lose the wonder of the Gospel.
4. Follow Cross-centered, heavenly-minded examples.
a. Follow faithful examples.
b. Avoid the patterns of pretenders and earthly-minded people.
5. Live in light of your true citizenship.
(Merida. Christ-centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Philippians. 148.)
Bible Study June 10, 2020 Philippians 3: 7-9 Questions for your consideration are:
1. Paul uses the word "but" in verse 7 to mark a contrast between who he used to be and who he is presently because of Christ. How would you complete the sentence, "I used to be __________ but then because of Christ I am _______.”
2. What are you consumed by?
3. What do you need to count as a loss for the sake of gaining Christ?
4. What have you gained because of your relationship with Christ?
Bible Study June 4, 2020
Hey FRBC Folks! For this week's Bible study, read Philippians 3:1-6 and consider the following.
(1) When Paul uses the word "Beware" in verse 2, he uses a word that refers to being able to see a perspective clearly due to the thought and consideration given to the issue. How clear is our perspective based on the amount of thought and consideration we have devoted?
(2) Look at Paul's description of the "True circumcision" aka, genuine Christians, in verse 3. In light of this description, how's your walk with the Lord?
(3) In verses 5-6, Paul testifies to his family heritage, his religious affiliation, and his religious achievement but only in regard to how it did not compare to his relationship with Christ. Where is the emphasis in your life, heritage, affiliation, achievement, or relationship with Jesus Christ?
Please stay tuned the next couple of days for information regarding Sunday's worship and the ministry of FRBC in the days just ahead of us. Sure do love and appreciate you folks and am looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Bible Study May 27, 2020 Philippians 2: 19-30 (Video Below)
Questions for your consideration:
1. In what areas of your life do you find yourself seeking your own interests?
2. How has your worth been proven in furthering the gospel?
3. Where in your life do you find your trust in the Lord is the strongest?
4. Epaphroditus could have been nicknamed "Mr. Charming" indicative of him being a well-balanced Christian. What would your nickname be?
5. He was described as being a brother, a fellow worker, a fellow soldier, a messenger, and a minister. How would you be described?
6. Who are the role models of the faith that you hold in high regard?
Bible Study May 20, 2020 Philippians 2: 16-18
Questions for your consideration:
1) How can you hold fast the "word of life" in your life? In your family's life?
2) How can you hold forth the "word of life" to others you come in contact with?
3) Can you think of anyone specifically that you can hold forth the word of life to?
Begin praying and asking God to open that opportunity for that to happen.
Bible Study May 13, 2020 Philippians 2: 14-18, Revelation 21: 11 (video below)
What do you tend to grumble about?
What do you tend to dispute over
How can knowing that Jesus is Lord help you to not grumble and dispute?
How does it impact you in knowing that just by living your daily life in a way that reflects the nature and character of God causes you to shine with the brightness, the intensity, and the magnitude of a star in reflecting God to the world around you?
Bible Study May 6, 2020 is from Philippians 2: 12-13. (Video Below)
Questions for your consideration are:
1. What's the difference between "working out" your salvation and "working for" your salvation? Why is it important to know the difference?
2. What is it about your "own" salvation that needs to be worked on? How will you work on those things?
3. What does it mean that God is at work within you to accomplish what He wants for you? In what ways does that encourage and challenge you?
4. Please read I Cor. 9:23-27 and Hebrews 3:12-14; 4:1-2 (referenced in the video). Discuss what genuine salvation looks like based on these passages.
Bible Study April 28, 2020 Philippians 2: 5-11 (Video below)
Discussion questions for your consideration:
In your own words, describe Christ's humility in this passage.
In your own words, describe Christ's exaltation in this passage.
I mentioned being a giver vs. being a grabber. What does being a grabber look like? What does being a giver look like?
What does a grabbing church look like? What does a giving church look like?
Is your goal to live a humble, others-oriented life for the glory of God the Father, through Jesus? Pray for deeper desire, understanding, and application of this truth.
Homework: Stop. Be quiet. Listen to the Lord. Meditate about the person of Jesus Christ. – Who is he? – What did he look like? – How did he behave? - Get a visual in your head of who Christ is and how his life is operating inside of you. What does that look like for you operating in the world?
Bible Study Philippians 2: 1-4 April 22, 2020 (Video Below)
Dig deeper questions:
1. The word "gospel" is mentioned five times in Philippians 1. What verses are they?
2. In 2:1, Paul speaks of 4 motivations for unity in the body. What are they and how can they be lived out? (Hint: I think I called them recollections or certainties in the video.)
3. What are your thoughts about the command for unity in 2:2? Why do you think there needs to be a "command" for unity?
4. Do you find it difficult to live out 2:1-4? If so, why and how can you improve in this area?
5. How would the church be different if everyone faithfully lived out 2:1-4? How would the community be different? What could be accomplished? (Dream BIG!)
(Questions adapted from Christ-Centered Exposition on Philippians by Tony Merida and Francis Chan.)
Bible Study April 15, 2020
Hey FRBC family and friends! Due to a busy school week on my end, there will be no Bible study video this week. However, I am posting the outline from last Sunday’s sermon. Please use this as a discussion starter as you dig deeper into the text.
The Resurrection (I Corinthians 15:1-4) Four Actions Relating to the Gospel:
The Gospel must be declared (made known) and preached (declared)
The Gospel must be received – It becomes who you are
We must stand in the Gospel – stand firm, established, immovable
It is the Gospel that saves, if we hold fast – To hold fast to the gospel is to hold off anything that would detract from the gospel. To hold fast to the gospel is to be held fast by Jesus Christ.
Three Facts that are the Gospel:
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures (cf. Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; Mark 8:31) Also, look at I Corinthians 1:18, 23 and 2:2 regarding the centrality of the crucifixion in the gospel.
He was buried. Proof that He really died.
He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. The Resurrection is essential to the gospel (I Cor. 15:17). Also read John 11:25
Four Validations of the Resurrection:
The Resurrection validates that Jesus is God
The Resurrection validates our forgiveness and redemption
The Resurrection validates our eternity with God
The Resurrection validates that God’s word is true
So, remember,
Declare the gospel
Receive the gospel
Stand firm in the gospel
Hold fast to the gospel
Bible Study April 8, 2020 Philippians 1: 21-26 (Scroll down for questions).
Questions for your consideration:
1) Verse 21- Discuss Paul’s attitude of “to live is Christ and to die is gain”. What does that mean, “to live is Christ and to die is gain”? Give some biblical examples of what that looked like in Paul’s life.
2) Do you have that same attitude? What does it look like in your life? What should it look like?
3) Verse 22- Describe in practical ways what “fruitful labor” is. Be as specific as possible.
4) Verse 23, Paul said he wanted to “depart and be with Christ”. What does it mean to be with Christ?
5) Until we depart to be with Christ, we remain in this life on Earth and He has promised to be with us. How does it affect your attitude and actions in daily life knowing that Jesus is with you?
6) Verse 24- Paul said that his continued ministry was necessary for the sake of the Philippian church. Knowing that every member of the body has a necessary role, what necessary role in this ministry has God given you? How are you fulfilling that role?
Website recommendations- and
Book recommendations- Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Philippians by Tony Marida and Frances Chan, Spurgeon Commentary: Philippians by Charles Spurgeon, Philippians: The Fellowship of the Gospel by R. Kent Hughes
April 1, 2020 Philippians 1: 12-20
Questions for your consideration as you study the scripture are below.
1) Verse 12- Are your circumstances furthering the gospel?
2) What is the gospel?
3) How should the gospel affect our daily lives?
4) Verse 13- Do people know about Jesus because of the way you live and the way you speak? How do you need to live and speak so that others will know about Jesus?
5) Verse 14- Why do we need courage to speak the word of God?
6) Verse 20- What does it mean that Christ is “exalted” in someone’s life?
March 25, 2020 Philippians 1: 1-11
Questions for your consideration.
1) Verse 1- What does it mean to be a bond-servant of Christ Jesus?
2) Verse 2- What do grace and peace look like in your life (family, marriage, workplace)?
3) Verse 5- What does it mean to “participate in the gospel”?
4) Verse 6- Are you confident that God will complete what He started in you? Why? Why not?
5) Verse 7- Paul said that he had the Philippian church “in his heart.” What would that look like today?
6) Verse 9- What are some practical ways for your love to abound more and more in real knowledge and all discernment?
7) Verse 11- What does the “fruit of righteousness look like?
Children’s Message August 18, 2020: Jacob and Isreal
Genesis 28-35 Questions for discussion 1. Have you ever taken something from someone that did not belong to you? 2. Once you realized you were wrong for doing that, how did you make it right? 3. The way Jacob made things right with his brother Esau was to depend on God. Jacob needed to focus on his relationship with God and then allow God to correct the situation with his brother Esau. What would it look like for you to depend on God? Is there anything in your life that you need God to correct as you focus on your relationship with Him?
Adult Bible Study July 29, 2020 Spritual Gifts Series Points to Ponder: 1. In looking at the contexts of Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and I Peter 4, what stands out as being most important the body of Christ, the church? 2. What necessary Christ-like attitudes do you see in these passages? 3. What challenges do you face in living out these attitudes? 4. What changes do you need to make to flesh out these attitudes?